Where in Devon?
As a busy oven cleaner, servicing the whole of Devon and parts of Somerset, we get to see some beautiful places. So we thought we would run a little competition from time to time - we'll post a picture of one of the locations that we've recently visited, along with a clue or two. First person to email us (theovencleaningman@gmail.com) will win a £10 credit towards their next clean. We'll publish the answer to the location the following week, for anyone still puzzling.
So, where were we this week?

This location has an iconic Art Deco sea water lido and is also the site of the best preserved Emergency Battery built as part of the coastal defences in 1940.
Each year it plays host to one of the UK's biggest pirate festivals but is a popular destination year round.
Have you sussed it out yet ? Email us with your best guess, and first correct answer will win the £10 credit. Good luck!!
Image taken from Google Images